An officer saved a donkey from a busy main road and transported him in a police car to his home!

 An officer saved a donkey from a busy main road and transported him in a police car to his home!

Officer Kyle Kanaan rescued a donkey that was stranded in the middle of a busy main road. This incident happened in Oklahoma City. The policeman rescued the donkey and drove the animal home in his police car.

The donkey somehow found himself completely alone without his owner on the main road and could easily have been hit by a car if this officer had not appeared in the right place at the right time.

He could not leave the donkey on the road, and he had no choice but to drag the animal into his car. The donkey barely fit in the car with his head sticking out of the window.

Witnesses could not resist and photographed a donkey looking out of the window of a police car. The photos spread all over the Internet. Photos of the “arrested” donkey received hundreds of likes in one day.

“I enticed the donkey into the car with food. It was not so easy to put the animal in the car. After a couple of minutes, the donkey started screaming and kicking,” the police officer told The Daily Star.

The Oklahoma City Police Department said the donkey has already been returned to his owners. The officer’s leadership admitted that they deal with similar strange cases every day.


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