An old dog was about to be euthanized, but a 93-year-old Navy veteran saved him

Meet, this is Sam. He is a German shepherd. He lived a long and happy life with a loving family. However, one fine day his carefree life came to the end. His owner was sent to the fleet and Sam was taken to an orphanage. The poor dog felt abandoned and heartbroken.
No one wanted to take Sam after knowing his age, everyone refused to take the old dog, so he was put into the list of dogs for euthanasia. Older dogs are usually euthanized to make room for younger ones.
Luckily, one day the 93-year-old veteran, Geroge Johnson decided to take Sam in. The fact is that his white shepherd died and the old man was very lonely and he wanted to take a dog very similar to his former one. Mr. Johnson took Sam to his house, they were both very happy. Being both single and old, they became a perfect couple to enjoy the time they had left.
May there be more such good stories. All is well that ends well. Wish them many good years together!