Ashlyn is a girl who doesn’t feel pain! Superpower or punishment?

 Ashlyn is a girl who doesn’t feel pain! Superpower or punishment?

Ashlyn didn’t cry when she was teething. Only her mother cried when she saw her lips in the morning in the blood. After numerous tests, doctors discovered that she had a congenital insensitivity to pain only at the age of two.

Parents had to intensely protect their daughter from the dangers that surrounded her. New carpets were laid and new furniture without corners was ordered.

Ashlyn’s hands were always wrapped in gauze so she couldn’t hurt them.

One day she dipped her hand into boiling water and was surprised when it blistered. And there was a case when she broke her ankle and had to walk for two days with a fracture.

The child always wears a bracelet with a medical sticker that says: “feels no pain – minimal sweating.” Ashley is a cheerful girl. She feels handshakes, she has many friends, she involuntarily repeats other people’s reactions to pain.

“I cannot feel pain, though I feel pressure.” Pain! I don’t understand what it is!” says Ashlyn.

For many people, not feeling pain seems like a great superpower, but it can actually be very dangerous. The main features of the disorder are the following symptoms: absence of pain sensation, painless injuries of the arms, legs and maxillofacial region, hyperthermia in hot weather due to inability to sweat and so on.

Our heroine’s doctor says: “Her story shows how difficult it is to live without pain. Pain is a capacity, but she lacks it.” Ultimately, pain control can help people recognize danger.





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