Bags under the eyes and an asymmetrical face! What 60-year-old Sandra looks like now

Do you recall the singer Sandra? I stumbled upon a photo of her on Instagram today. It appears that the 60-year-old musician has decided to join her celebrity colleagues in altering her appearance, hoping to extend her youth and beauty.
People have varying opinions on her transformation, with some saying “What did she do to herself?”, “She looks like she had a rough night”, “I don’t want to imply anything, but does she drink?”,
“She looks well-preserved, but the plastic surgery was unnecessary”, “I can hardly believe this is Sabrina”, and “I wouldn’t have recognized her.”
Others have said “She doesn’t look very fresh”, “Life has been tough on her”, “Her time has passed unfortunately. She used to be a major star before”, “Great”, “I don’t think she has changed much”, “She looks young for her age”, and “I wouldn’t guess that she’s in her 60s”.
These comments were made on Sandra’s post. What are your thoughts? Do you believe Sandra has changed over the years?