Despite being abandoned, the world’s smallest horse has found a forever home with three dog friends in San Diego
The world’s smallest horse was abandoned by his mother because of his size, but now he lives in San Diego with a pony trainer and 3 dogs.
Peabody’s mother refused to nurse him due to his petite body. The six-week-old baby was smaller than an average dog. He weighed about 20 pounds which is even less than an average pony’s weight.
His owner declared him the smallest horse of his age in the entire world.
He lives indoors like a pet with his three siblings.
His previous owner was advised to put him to sleep because without the mother’s care he wouldn’t survive. But Smith was able to save his life.
Smith hired a van when he first went to bring the Peabody home.
The owner believed in his future and did everything so that he could overcome his health problems, like the probability to be deaf and blind or risking not walking ever.
Fortunately, his journey ended up being a success. Now he can walk and see. His head is normal size, and his jaw has aligned.
His deafness had never affected his life quality.
He always plays with his dog friends in the garden. He is happy and safe.