Do you think that this is an ordinary cat? Just have a look at the size of this animal!

 Do you think that this is an ordinary cat? Just have a look at the size of this animal!

Recently, an unusual cat was brought to the shelter for stray animals in Philadelphia. This cute “baby” was named BJ. Now look at the size of this handsome animal. In fact, the “baby” is simply huge. The cat weighs about 12 kg!

The tabby cat looks like an ordinary mongrel cat, but the shelter staff are sure that the blood of noble Maine Coons, and maybe ancient saber-toothed tigers, flows in BJ’s veins.

The cat has already received the nickname Big Bee. And a real battle for the right to adopt this huge cat unfolded on the website of the shelter.

Many users immediately reacted to the unusual cat. Some even doubted that it was a cat.

Some users ironically joked that “the cat ate his old family”, “he eats protein shakes and big hamburgers” and so on.


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