Dog dropped his stuffed pig and a woman driving by stopped and helped him

 Dog dropped his stuffed pig and a woman driving by stopped and helped him

One day, a woman named Claire Cummings was driving to her friend’s house when she noticed something strange on the sidewalk. Looking closer, the woman realized that it was a stuffed pig.

She tried to understand who had dropped the toy, but no one was around. Having already passed a little from this place, through the mirror, she saw a dog standing by the wall and unsuccessfully trying to get a toy.

Of course, the dog could easily jump over the wall and take the toy, but she was probably not allowed to jump over, which is why the poor animal does not dare.

The woman, being a dog lover, couldn’t just drive away. She owns a dog walking company together with her friend. She turned the car around, stopped it, and hurried to the dog, who couldn’t get his favorite toy back.

“I picked up the toy and gave it to the dog. She took the piglet in his teeth and looked at me with grateful eyes. I was very glad that I could help the unfamiliar dog. After I returned to the car, the dog looked after me for a long time”, Cummings told the DoDo.

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