Dog Working At Laundromat Takes Naps Instead Of Working

If you ever visit the Laundry on Larkin Street you will be greeted by an 8-year-old golden retriever that closes the laundromat with his dad every single day.
We could say that the dog named Coby isn’t the best worker though. While his owner cleans around, Coby naps.
Coby loves to just sit around and watch people come in.
“I tried to make him just sit in one of the chairs, but he figured out a way to climb on the washer,” said his dad.
Coby has become quite famous around the laundromat, people come in just to see him.
And it all works out for the best since Coby loves attention and adores it when people give it to him.
He sits on the washing machine and observes everyone.
“He definitely feels like he’s on top of the world at times like that,” says his owner. “ He sits up there and feels like he’s a king.”
He doesn’t let all the fame get into his head, after all, he is there to do his job.