For the first time in 2 years, aged Celine Dion appeared in public – she was photographed by the paparazzi!

Celine Dion is often considered as the “One Hit Wonder”. So they say about those who earned incredible fame and fees in an instant, but could no longer repeat such success.
The star really became one of the richest and the most popular stars in the world in 1997 thanks to the recording of the song “My Heart Will Go On”, the soundtrack to the movie Titanic. And this melody is still the singer’s calling card.
But Dion has many other accomplishments as well. During her career, she has released more than 20 albums, won Eurovision and won many awards and won the title of fashion icon thanks to her outrageous bold looks.
Recently, however, Celine rarely appears in public. Her last string of stunning fashion outings happened back in March 2020. After that, the star got in touch with fans only on social networks, and even then infrequently.
Of course, she did not completely disappear from the horizon: she periodically gave interviews and prepared a new album.
She even planned a big tour, but then put her career on pause. This turned out to be because of the star’s mysterious illness.
About a year ago, Dion began to suffer from periodic pain in the muscles, which either appeared or disappeared. Because of them, she could not perform.
Doctors still shrug their shoulders: no one can make a diagnosis. These muscle spasms can occur for a variety of reasons, from thyroid problems to stress.
But the star is determined to return to the stage. However, she cannot say for sure, when it will be.
For the first time in more than two years, Celine was photographed in public, with a friend, on a helipad in New York.
Gucci belt, eye-catching jewelry on the neck, a bare belly strip that was visible under a stylish shirt – Dion looks as stylish and unusual as before. But that’s about the outfits.
What about the appearance of the star – fans think that she has aged a lot. A lot of wrinkles, a flabby neck – and yet Celine is only 54 years old!