“Everyone Stunned When She Turned Her Back”: Gigi Hadid Came To The Catwalk In a “Trick” Dress!

Until recently, the favorite of the best fashion designers in the world could boast of vivid images and a sense of style. Gigi, along with the Kardashian family, was setting trends, but now that time has gone.
After the birth of her daughter, the model plunged into the upbringing of the baby.
Now Hadid rarely prefers extravagant outfits and open sandals. Now she prefers non-marking clothes and shoes with small heels.
In life, Gigi prefers to look simple, but at fashion shows she is the star of the catwalks! Each appearance of Hadid on the catwalk is eagerly awaited, because her images are bright, impressive and spicy.
Therefore, the appearance of the model at the Versace show in Paris caused a real sensation. Gigi let her blond hair down and donned a black dress with a mesh top and tight maxi skirt.
Despite the fact that the top was transparent, all “important” places were covered with black inserts. Because of this, the outfit did not seem vulgar, but rather quite spicy.
The back of the dress turned out to be especially interesting. She was completely naked from the back, and there was a wide line running down her spine.
Netizens appreciated the originality of the dress, but noted that it was only an outfit for fashion shows.
What do you think? Would you dare to wear this kind of dress?