Golden Retriever received “a gift” in a box and got happy! The dog’s dream came true!

 Golden Retriever received “a gift” in a box and got happy! The dog’s dream came true!

One day, a golden retriever named Walker met Willow a golden retriever puppy. From that day on, their lives changed. The two boys became inseparable friends.

Vicki Waldbauer was Walker’s owner, and her boyfriend was the owner of Willow. The pets of the two lovers became so close that they could not live without each other. By coincidence, her boyfriend’s daughter stayed with his ex-wife and Willow also had to move.

All the time while the child was with his mother, Willow stayed away from his friend. Walker missed his companion so much that he began to eat badly and whined all day.

Vicki could no longer look at the sad and unhappy Walker and decided to get another companion dog for Walker. Walker could not be alone. He constantly needed the company of friends. Thus, another four-legged member, Waylon, appeared in their family.

Vicki gave Walker a box with a “gift”. The retriever was pleasantly surprised when he saw a puppy in the box. At first glance, it became clear – Walker was happy. He began wagging his tail non-stop and jumping merrily. The surprise worked!

Walker was afraid that his new friend would soon leave him as Willow did. But fortunately Waylon came to their family forever. They played, ate and even slept together.

Dogs are so sincerely reliable in their emotions and feelings. Their love is so unconditional that we can only learn and take an example from them!

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