“He Was Dressed Up In Girl’s Clothes.” How Gwen Stefani’s Son Looks Today

The eldest son of the famous singer of early childhood became famous throughout the country. He walked with bright stylish hairstyles.
In addition, the boy constantly changed his image and experimented with his appearance.
He could be seen with painted nails, he liked to go out in dresses.
His mother allowed him such experiments. She believes that children themselves should determine what gender they belong to. Perhaps such beliefs have developed the reason that the singer and her children revolved in a circle of celebrities, where outrageousness is part of life. His mother allowed him such experiments.
She believes that children themselves should determine what gender they belong to. Perhaps such beliefs have developed the reason that the singer and her children revolved around a circle of celebrities, where outrageousness is part of life.
At the time when the boy took his first steps and learned to speak, his mother was one of the most popular singers in the country. The increased attention of journalists was riveted on her. Apparently, the baby also wanted the same attention to his person. He achieved this by the age of five, becoming the most stylish child.
Time passed, and the boy grew up. At 15, he looks like an ordinary teenager, the same as his peers.
From the glamorous image, dresses, multi-colored hair, and nail polish, there was no trace left. Naturally, for the paparazzi, the guy was not so interesting.
It is known that the son of Gwen Stefani began dating a girl. Most recently, the guy introduced her to his mother.