“How did the scandalous divorce affect the star?”: Jolie seems to have lost all her legendary beauty!

Angelina Jolie has been considered one of the most beautiful women on the planet since the beginning of her career.
Millions of men dreamed of a seductive actress, and girls admired and envied her appearance. The terms “Jolie angles”, “Jolie cheekbones” and “Jolie lips” appeared in cosmetology and plastic surgery. Thousands of clients came to doctors who wanted to bring their face closer to the ideal. And Angelina was the ideal.
But over the years, the actress began to lose her charm. Of course, the main reason was the divorce from Brad Pitt. The star has completely changed: she became depressed, almost stopped eating and lost weight almost to a critical state.
Now, the actress is almost back in shape. Yes, she is very slim – but the frightening thinness is already in the past.
The other day, the paparazzi photographed Jolie during the walk with her adopted daughter, Zahara. The star mother did not look her best. Plump seductive lips have become much thinner, and the once perfect oval of the face “creeped” down.
“It seems that her state of mind was reflected on her face,” commentators wrote under the fresh pictures of the actress.
Many are sure that the reason for such changes is not only age. And not even that Angelina lost weight and then recovered again. But… in her character. Previously, many felt sorry for Jolie, but after new details were revealed, sympathy was already on the side of Brad. And the latest implausible story about how Pitt beat and strangled his family members completely disappointed Jolie’s fans.
Pitt has finally found his happiness. Now he has an affair with the beautiful trainer Ines de Ramon. And the fans are sincerely happy for the actor.