“In Pursuit Of a Perfect Appearance!”: Eyewitnesses Recall How Michael Jackson Looked Without an Artificial Nose!

In the last years of his life, the appearance of Michael Jackson was discussed much more than his work. People wondered, argued and imagined what Jackson would have looked like if he had not decided on such a huge number of operations.
The history of his nose is generally a separate chapter. It is said that he was so embarrassed by it that he had a huge collection of artificial limbs.
In 2009, Jackson passed away, and after his body was brought to the hospital, doctors were amazed at his appearance. One of the eyewitnesses told a reporter from Rolling Stone for a good sum that there was no prosthesis on his nose and it was just a terrible sight.
Anonymous said that only the remains of cartilage and a small black hole were visible.
It is also worth noting that despite the obvious numerous surgeon interventions, Jackson himself never admitted that he resorted to the services of a plastic surgeon.
The singer claimed that he had done rhinoplasty only twice – the first, when he fell and broke his nose, and the second, when he needed to correct the mistakes of the first.