“They Are Not As Perfect As They Seem”: What Celebrities Who Are Over 50 Look Like Without Photoshop?
Some celebrities are simply unrecognizable without photoshop. They always look great on screens and magazine covers. It is thanks to good beauticians and skillful photo editors that stars become flawless. We see perfect stars and wish to be just like them.
Many celebrities, especially those who are over 50, almost never go out without makeup. They choose their outfits carefully and make sure to cover their faces with dark glasses and wide-brimmed hats when they go out for a walk. But the paparazzi still manage to photograph this or that media personality in its natural form. Let’s look at pictures of stars and compare them with photographs from magazines.
Uma Thurman doesn’t need to hide from fans or journalists. Many do not recognize her at all if they see her on the street.
Now let’s look at the photos of 52-year-old Celine Dion. Dion uses a lot of foundation and other cosmetics.
This is what 54-year-old Sandra Bullock looks like.
And this is 62-year-old Madonna!
Kylie Minogue looks like not so bad at her 52!
62-year-old Sharon Stone has definitely aged!
Demi Moore at 58 looks like very tired.
This is Naomi Watts. She is 52 years old.
Julianne Moore is beautiful despite the fact that she is 60 years old.
Pamela Anderson is 53 years old.
54-year-old Salma Hayek keeps herself in good shape.
Here is Halle Berry. She is 54.
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