Look at the photos of Kate Winslet’s 20-year-old daughter! The girl wants to follow her mother’s footsteps and become an actress.

The British star Kate Winslet has been in her third marriage for almost 10 years, the happiest and longest. Kate has one child from each marriage. But public attention is riveted precisely to the firstborn of the actress. This is not surprising, because she got married and became a mother for the first time just in the light of the glory of the Titanic.
Kate Winslet’s first husband was her compatriot, English director James (Jim) Tripleton. Kate starred in films from a young age, and by the time they met in 1997, she was already a recognized world star. Jim also worked as an episodic actor, then as an assistant director. And so far, he has not been able to realize his full potential.
Misalliance did not frighten Kate, and they began a relationship on the set of the film “Express to Marrakech”, where he was the third assistant director, and she starred in the title role.
In 1998, Winslet and Trippleton got married, and in October 2000, their daughter, Mia Honey, was born in London. Unfortunately, the marriage was short-lived, and the couple broke up when the girl was not even a year old.
Mia Tripleton literally grew up under the lenses of the paparazzi, thanks to which the fans of the actress had the opportunity to observe the growing up of the girl. It is impossible not to notice that the daughter is more like her father than her mother. But what she definitely inherited from her mother is the magnificent forms that have become a kind of hallmark of the British star.
Kate Winslet, who at first worried about her excess weight, then some lost weight and taught her daughter from childhood to love herself, to accept herself the way she is. In one of the interviews, the actress shared that she regularly repeats to Mia that the forms that she has are a virtue and part of her personality, and not a disadvantage.
According to the actress, she experienced a lot of humiliation and ridicule in her childhood due to her plumpness, and never saw any inspiring examples to stop suffering from complexes. Therefore, it was important for her to exclude this traumatic factor from her daughter’s life from an early age.
Jim Tripleton, who has a great relationship with Kate, has always been present in his daughter’s life. In an interview, he shared with journalists that Mia is an amazingly confident girl who accepts her individuality.
Self-confidence and determination became an excellent base for young Mia, which allowed her to continue the acting dynasty, as it often happens in creative families.
Being the daughter of an outstanding actress and director, Mia announced at the age of 15 that she would follow in her mother’s footsteps and become an actress. And she has already begun to make steps in this direction!
In 2014, 13-year-old Mia appeared with her mother in the costume historical film The Romance of Versailles. In 2019, she starred in the Irish-Italian post-apocalyptic thriller Shadows.
Mia Tripleton turned 20 in October 2020. It seems that her mother’s worthy replacement is growing up!