Look at the reaction of a puppy that runs freely in the yard for the first time in his life!

Recently, a stray dog kennel in Virginia was closed and thousands of dogs were left homeless. The Society for the Protection of Animals has taken responsibility for these animals. Many dogs have found their homes. And a puppy named Samii was among them too.
Karen Schrader and her family have decided to adopt Sami as a foster dog. It was immediately noticeable that the poor dog did not know family warmth and kindness. She was very timid and would not leave her little rug.
“But when she saw the backyard overgrown with grass, her behavior changed noticeably. For the first time in her life, she could freely walk in the garden,” Shrader said.
Look at her reaction!
In a few days the dog has changed beyond recognition. It was a real pleasure for Schrader to see their adopted dog flourish.
“We are very happy that we were able to help the dog that has never lived in freedom. She gets love and affection from us and doubly returns it to us!” Schroeder said.
Schrader hopes that their story will inspire many people to save homeless and timid animals.
“Sami won our hearts and we decided to adopt her. Yes, I turned out to be a foster loser,” Schroeder said.