“Looks Creepy”: Shiloh, Daughter of Jolie and Pitt Cut Her Hair Bald and Put on Microshorts!

The heiress of Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt, their first common daughter, has been stubborn and wayward since childhood. She demanded to be dressed like a boy, cut her hair short and behaved not at all like a Hollywood princess.
It’s amazing how Jolie, with her tough upbringing methods and difficult character, allowed Shilo all these antics. But the fact remains: this girl from childhood herself decided how to look, what to wear and how to behave.
But maybe Angelina was right, not paying attention to her daughter’s “overshoots”. As a teenager, Shilo suddenly changed her image and began to shine next to her famous mother on the red carpet. She seemed to blossom, becoming feminine and very beautiful.
Judging by the latest paparazzi photos, something happened to Shilo again. In the new pictures that hit the network, the 16-year-old star heiress looks so that it is impossible to express an opinion.
Firstly, she cut her locks almost bald – under a very short “hedgehog”. Secondly, she again began to dress casually – her mini-shorts look so that it’s even a shame to take out the trash in them.
Some speculate that Shiloh is rebellious again because of her famous parents. Recall that not so long ago, Jolie again poured a tub of dirt on Pitt and sued him. It is not a secret that Pitt is dating 29-year-old Ines Ramon, who works as a coach. According to rumors, the actor is thinking about becoming a father again.
It is unlikely that Shiloh is delighted with this. So, perhaps a change of image is a cry from the heart for the famous parents to finally hear her.