Meet Freddy, the tallest dog in the world! He is more than 7 feet tall

This Great Dane is the tallest dog in the world. His uniqueness has been officially confirmed and a certificate has been issued.
The name of this unique dog is Freddy. After the official confirmation, Freddy was entered into the Guinness Book of Records.
His adopted mother, Claire Stoneman loves him very much and is infinitely proud of her “big” pet.
She always felt that Freddie, who grew faster than other Great Danes, would be “different”. Now he has reached a height of 7 pounds and 6 inches. He is so tall that he easily frightens people and other dogs.
Freddie scares everyone with his height. That is why the woman has to walk the dog early in the morning while everyone is sleeping.
Despite the conspicuous appearance, the dog is quite friendly and does not offend children. He is also very well-mannered, does not naughty at home and does not behave aggressively.
He likes to eat well and take a nap on the couch. He is also a foodie, loving meat, fruit, and even vegetables.
The dog has a sister, they are very close to each other and like to spend time together.
They often watch TV and listen to the music together. Claire often shares their photos on their Instagram page.
These dogs are quite expensive to keep. Claire spends thousands of dollars each year on Great Danes. They receive vitamin-fortified food and special vaccinations.
Despite this, siblings are very loved in the family. They are real members of the family.
That is the story!
Did you like the dog? Would you like to be his owner? Wouldn’t you be afraid of him?