Michael and his 86-centimeter wife became parents. What does the son of a special couple look like

Meet Michael and Trisha. The couple met in college. The houses of Michael and his miniature neighbor were nearby, so they spent all their free time visiting each other.
Soon a strong friendship developed into a sincere and mutual love. Michael hurried to make a proposal to his beloved and heard from the beauty the long-awaited “yes”. Michael was ready to carry the bride in his arms. In the literal sense of the word.
Soon the couple moved into a new house. Trisha and Michael thought about the heirs. Doctors did not advise Thumbelina to become a mother, however, the couple’s desire turned out to be stronger.
Soon the baby of Michael and his wife was born. Taylor, fortunately, turned out to be perfectly healthy. The boy did not inherit his mother’s illness.
Not so long ago, the family celebrated the 6th anniversary of the long-awaited child. The couple is thinking about the birth of a second child. We wish the happy parents good luck.