No bronze makeup and ponytail, J. Lo showed her photo without photoshop and makeup!

Everyone is used to the fact that the stunning J. Lo always appears with bright makeup and a ponytail. The artist is always elegant and beautiful.
Probably, a few months ago, few people would have thought that Jennifer would show a her natural photo without resorting to makeup and photoshop.
It is likely that the artist is tired of the routine that arose due to the pandemic.
The photo came out this weekend. It shows that the singer has just got up. She is still in a robe with uncombed hair. At the bottom of the picture, the artist wished everyone a good morning.
The photo got 2.5 million fan likes and numerous comments. Some fans even started showing their morning selfies instead of compliments.
Everyone noted how young and fresh Jennifer looks for her age. It is worth recalling that the singer managed to celebrate her 51st birthday.
When the singer is asked how she manages to look like that, she answered like this, “First, you should always sleep enough so that the body has time to rest. It’s the most important. If a woman does not get enough sleep regularly, her skin begins to age. Therefore, I try to sleep at least 8 hours.
Secondly, the inner state must come into harmony. If everything is in order inside, if a woman is happy, then this will definitely be reflected on her face. A happy woman radiates beauty”.
Thus the secret of J. Lo’s natural beauty is proper sleep and inner harmony!