Office workers got a cat and were very surprised when he suddenly began to bring money to the office every day!

 Office workers got a cat and were very surprised when he suddenly began to bring money to the office every day!

Once the owner of one of the American firms, Stuart McDaniel located in Tulsa, Oklahoma, had a non-standard problem. There were rodents in the company’s office. It was decided to fix the problem by getting a cat. The mustachioed cat was chosen at a shelter for homeless or abandoned animals. Stuart liked the six-month-old “cat-baby”. He was settled in the office, and he was incredibly happy about this.

The cat quickly settled in the room. He became the soul of the company. And of course, he did his job of catching mice properly.

Soon the employees noticed something unusual! The entrance to the office building was in the form of glass doors. An impressive pile of various banknotes was scattered around them. And the “fluffy employee” stood beside them.

The situation caused a number of bewilderment: Where did the banknotes come from?

This happened again the next day. The workers decided to follow the mustachioed employee. During the day, the good-natured “hard worker” spent a lot of time at the door. It was sunny here, and he did not miss the opportunity to warm the fur in the rays of light.

The secret has been revealed! The company was located near places of rest. During working hours, many passers-by walk past the glass doors. Noticing the cat, they slip the banknote to the cat through the doors. And he, playfully catches her. By the end of the day, a significant pile of money accumulates!

The employees of the company decided to send the income to charity. An announcement was hung at the entrance of the company, indicating the purpose of cat gifts.

The story of an unusual benefactor received a wide response. People began to send money also by non-cash method, and by mail.


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