Old deaf dog guarded 3-year-old girl that got lost while walking!

 Old deaf dog guarded 3-year-old girl that got lost while walking!

The old and deaf dog Max spent about 17 hours in the Australian wastelands guarding the lost three-year-old girl Aurora. When the rescuers got closer, Max met them and escorted them to the place where the child was.

Little Aurora went missing after 3pm last Friday after going for a walk in rural area in Queensland. The family dog ​​Max, an Australian Cattle Dog, followed her.

The weather that day was cloudy and when people realized it and started looking for the child, the rain had already destroyed all her traces. The search was suspended for the night.

On Saturday early in the morning, more than 100 volunteers began a massive search for the child. And at 8 am the child was found 2 kilometers from the house. First, the rescuers came across Max, who ran and led people along.

A few minutes later, people found the girl, everything was fine with her.

Apparently, Max was next to the child all these hours and guarded him. For such a good job, Max received the title of “honorary police dog”.

“The area around the house of the girl’s parents is quite hilly. It’s amazing how the girl managed to get so far. The search was very difficult, there is a lot of dry shrubs and other vegetation, as well as steep slopes,” says a member of the search team Jan Phipps.

Aurora’s grandmother participated in the search, she walked and shouted the name of the girl all the time, and suddenly one day she heard the voice of a child answering her cry. People ran to that place and they were met by the dog Max. He led rescuers to the girl.

Max is 17 years old. He is deaf and partially blind. He always had a good relationship with the girl. She slept all night in the arms of a dog and this partially protected her from the night cold.

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