“Rich But Not Beautiful!”: What Does 67-Year-Old Fan Of Plastic Operations – Donatella Versace Look Like Without Makeup?

First of all, Donatella Versace is known to everyone as a fashion designer who, together with her brother, managed to build a successful clothing brand recognized around the world. She was the first who began to attract stars for fashion shows, thereby ensuring the recognition of models in all countries.
The second reason why Versace attracts the attention of the public is the love of plastic ones, which is reflected in the appearance of the business woman.
Donatella became interested in plastic surgery in her youth, which led to disastrous results. She went through many procedures, and now her face looks like this.
Photos of Versace from the holidays hit the net. She has not only problematic skin and deep wrinkles on her face, but also sagging skin on the whole body!
Do you think it worth getting plastic surgery or should we age with dignity?