Once a man saved a little duckling that turned out to be a wild swan baby! The swan grew up and refused to fly away from his owner…
One day, a man named Rob Adamson found a small, injured duckling. The baby was weak, but had a huge will to live. The duckling was large for his age and the chances of survival were good. After examining the duckling, the veterinarian came to the conclusion that he had a wing blown out.
Therefore, Adamson could not leave him to chance. In addition, Adams fell in love with this little creature and even gave a name – Sidney. The vet prescribed a special diet. And Sydney needed a lot of love and care.
The most surprising news for Adams was that the little duckling turned out to be a wild swan baby! Robert took care of the bird. Adams decided to carry him everywhere with him so that he would not be bored and that feeding would be on time.
Soon Sidney was so used to his master that he even refused to sleep away from his master. Adamson replaced Sydney’s mother. They were close to each other, and didn’t separate even for a minute. They went shopping together, traveled and walked together.
In addition to the winch, Robert had another pet – a chihuahua dog. Surprisingly, the swan was able to find a common language with the dog and even make friends with him. When Sidney grew up a little, Robert decided that however hard it was for him, he should release the wild swan into the wild.
So he contacted animal rights activists. He thought that they would be able to adapt him to his natural habitat. But … Sidney flatly refused to go free – he was used to the life of a pet!
Zookeepers had to return the bird back. Quite frankly, Robert was happy to have his friend back with him. Now his family was complete again – Rob, his wife, Sidney and the dog!
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