People are afraid of these huge bats thinking that they can eat them, but in fact they are herbivores!

Bats are peculiar animals. There are approximately 1,400 species of them, and all of them can look completely different: from cute to very terrible and scary.
They live in almost all corners of our planet. Recently, netizens have been frightened by one hefty bat. This is a maned acerodon, and of 150 species of large bats. By the way bats of this species are the largest.
And the appearance of this bat has become a real nightmare for those who are afraid of these creatures! After the appearance of this photo on the Internet, many users questioned authenticity of the photo. They wondered whether this animal really exists or not.
This big bat with a cute face made many people nervous and trembling at the same time. After reviewing these pictures, experts confirmed that this photos are authentic and the creature is really exists.
This is what acerodons actually look like.
In fact, the body of this bat is even smaller than a normal human baby, but they have very massive wings. Maned Acerodon have a wingspan of 1.5 m and their bodies are 27 to 32 cm long.
They live in Indonesia, Malaysia, China, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Vietnam, East Timor and Thailand. This individual was captured in the Philippines.
Looking at their hefty size many people are afraid of being eaten by these creatures. But it is worth noting that these huge bats are actually herbivore which means that they eat fruits such as bananas and mangoes, as well as foliage, nectar, pollen from flowers, and other plant products. So don’t be afraid of them!