People rescued a dog with puppies living in the snow! Mother-dog did not leave her puppies despite the cold weather conditions

 People rescued a dog with puppies living in the snow! Mother-dog did not leave her puppies despite the cold weather conditions

Not only people can be mother heroines.  Sometimes animals also can get this award. A dog named Snowbell is one of these super mothers, who was found with her 6 puppies in the snow near Red Lake in the US state of Minnesota. Despite all the difficulties she did not abandon her children. People can only praise her, some of them learn from her!

People found a dog with 6 puppies in the forest; they lived right in the snow.

The animal and its cubs were found near Red Lake in the US state of Minnesota. They were immediately sent to the local Red Lake Rosie’s Rescue shelter. They were taken care of.

Apparently, the puppies were about three weeks old, and they spent all this time in the cold.

According to The Metro, the dog was named Snowbell. According to the workers of the shelter, she gave birth to the puppies during a snow storm. Despite the cold, the mother stayed with them and they lived in these conditions for about three weeks – until people found them.

Just look at her eyes! How kind and grateful they are. Animals cannot speak, but they feel and understand everything.

Finally they can sleep in a warm place.

The shelter that the dogs were placed, has a chatting group.

In the comments in the shelter group, users appreciated the courage of the furry mother:

  • Imagine how hard it was for her to keep the puppies warm while trying to survive herself. Incredible mom.
  • Snowbell is such a good mom. She protected her children in terrible weather. Thank God they were rescued and they all survived.
  • She is a good mom. People should take an example from her. Such a cutie!

Thus, caring mothers are different – and tailed moms too!


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