People thought they were saving a kitten but the cub turned out to be a completely different animal!

 People thought they were saving a kitten but the cub turned out to be a completely different animal!

The humane society “Cat Shelter Limburg” is located in Belgium and is engaged in saving homeless cats. A man called last week and said he had found a little black kitten and wanted volunteers to take him to the shelter.

Volunteer Martina Vos went for the kitten. She definitely will not forget this amazing mission.

She arrived to the place, took the cub and then started to search for cub’s mom and other kittens. Searches did not yield any results, so the baby was recognized as an orphan.

When Martina was about to take the kitten to the shelter, for the first time she suspected something was wrong.

“When I took the baby in my arms, it seemed to me that the cub was too big for a kitten. Then I looked at the muzzle and it also seemed quite strange,” Martina said.

Martina took the baby to the veterinarian, also hoping to find out which animal cub this creature was. But the vet couldn’t give her an answer either. He seemed to be confused.

“The only answer he gave me was that the cub is female,” says Martina Vos.

Then Martin turned to the wildlife center for advice, and there the mystery was finally resolved. They identified the baby as a fox cub.

It turned out that very young foxes often have dark hair and their ears are very small, which can slightly resemble the appearance of a kitten.

“Firstly, I am also interested in the preservation of local wild animals. Secondly, my surname “Vos” is translated as “fox” from the Dutch language. I also had a dream all my life to meet a fox, and now I hold a small fox in my arms and she was saved from death. It’s like a dream,” the woman said.

The little fox was taken the British shelter for wild animals and he will stay there until he grows up and becomes independent. Then it will be released to the wild.


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