Puppy trapped under the concrete was rescued by a firefighter, who liked the puppy and later decided to adopt him!
The story we want to tell you today took place in South Carolina. The family was riding bicycles when they heard strange sounds like a puppy crying. Having stopped the bicycles, they began to look for where these sounds were coming from.
They found a small puppy stuck under a pile of dirt and concrete. Poor puppy was unable to get out. The animal barked and howled calling for help. The kind people who found the puppy called 911. The North Charleston Police and Fire Department came to the scene.
“The puppy was stuck under piles of concrete that were so big and heavy that we couldn’t even move them,” Capt. Paul Bryant of the North Charleston Fire Department told The Dodo.
One of the policemen, squatting down, was able to see the protruding nose of the puppy. The puppy was definitely there! Captain Brian managed to push the concrete slabs back with a pry bar, but still the pup couldn’t get out.
The captain began to dig with a shovel in order to open enough space for the puppy. Ten minutes later the little puppy was free. The freed little creature could not stop licking the hands of the rescuer. Bryant fell in love with this cute little puppy and named him Rocky.
The family that first found Rocky decided to take Rocky to the nearest animal hospital to have the microchip checked. Bryant was glad that he managed to save the puppy, but was upset because Rocky probably had a family and he would have to part with him.
It turned out that the puppy was not microchipped and there was almost no chance of finding his family. When Bryant found out about this, he realized that that was his only chance.
Bryant felt a certain connection with the puppy from the moment he rescued him.
“As soon as Rocky is given a health certificate, I will go to the Charleston Animal Society for him,” Bryant said.
Rocky is now fully settled in his new home. The energetic puppy loves to play with his toys and never leaves his human dad.
Lets wish good luck to this cutie!