Real Life Barbie Is Going Viral Over The Internet
Caitlan Redding, 22, loves to show off her body in skimpy clothes. Haters try to shame her, but she is not shy about her size 62. And publicly calls herself “Barbie plus size”.
“I feel amazing in lingerie sets or low-cut tight dresses, and I won’t let someone who calls me fat stop me from exposing my body,” Caitlan says.
The girl’s pictures have always caused controversy on the Internet, but the audience on her page was still not very large and at least partially loyal. But recently, several plus-size fashion brands have shared photos of her at once. Caitlan became the object of mass ridicule – she received hundreds of negative comments.
But “Barbie” does not despair: “I am very proud of who I am, and I will not hide. When a famous fashion brand shares a photo of me in their outfit, I am happy. I feel confident, and no one can break me!
Haters claim that she promotes obesity. But Caitlan disagrees.
“I don’t promote big sizes, I promote self-confidence and happiness, regardless of size,” said Barbie plus-size (see also: “Disgusting”: 155-pound Tess Holliday outraged fans with beach photos).
Now Caitlan is engaged to 23-year-old Sam Wolfe. The couple met when they were 15 years old.
“Yes, I was skinnier when we met, but Sam loves me, regardless of my weight and volume,” says Redding. “I am happy in my relationship, and I have every right to be.”
Despite the fact that she is quite happy with her body and appearance in general, the girl tries to eat healthy food and even play sports.
“But no matter what size I am and no matter what exercises I do, this is all my personal choice and not concessions to Internet trolls. I will look like Barbie in any of my weight, ”Redding stands on his own.