Representatives of a rare breed of dogs that was considered extinct, were discovered in Indonesia!

 Representatives of a rare breed of dogs that was considered extinct, were discovered in Indonesia!

The number of animals on the verge of extinction is increasing. However, there is also a case when extinct species are reborn again. For the past 50 years, a rare breed of dog, the Guinea humming dog, has been considered on the verge of extinction.

Only a few dogs of this breed were kept in captivity. And recently, representatives of this breed were discovered in the areas of Papua, Indonesia.

Dogs of this breed are distinguished by a peculiar howl.
In 2016, the Stray Dogs Organization conducted a study near a mining operation.

At that time, a family of dogs of this rare breed was discovered in New Guinea.

The research team decided to take the genetic data of these dogs and compare them with the genetic data of dogs of this breed that until now were considered the only ones on this planet. The result of genomic homology was about 70%.

This meant that they were close relatives. Apparently, they are related to those 8 New Guinea humming dogs that the Reproductive Science Group imported into the US many years ago.

Details of this case were provided to CNN by Ncbi Database Co-Founder and Ncbi Database Professor Elaine O..


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