Rescuers found a dog living alone in the mountains after her owner thought she died two years ago

 Rescuers found a dog living alone in the mountains after her owner thought she died two years ago

 Animal Control noticed a stray dog living in the mountains and sometimes going to residential areas to find food in the trash. They connected with Hope For Paws and explained the situation.

Animal Control’s multiple tries to catch the dog and help her failed.  

When searching for the dog the rescuers found a skeletal, balding, and overly afraid creature.

They decided to do everything possible to help the dog recover.

The dog didn’t trust anyone, so the rescue team tried to get the dog’s attention and trust via food.

Although the dog was terrified, she still accepted the heavenly cheeseburger the rescuers gave her.

After that, a rescuer reached his hand to the dog to give her a treat, which she accepted and ate straight out of the rescuer’s hand.

Thanks to that distraction the other rescuer could sneak up on the dog and catch him.

At first, the dog was resisting, but after a while,s he relaxed because she noticed that those people were trying to help him.

Later she finished her cheeseburger and even let one of the rescuers pet her and scratch behind her ear.

Rescuers named the dog Edna.

A microchip was the first thing Edna was checked for.

Fatefully, she had one!

Turned out Edna’s original owner gave her to a new family, who got rid of the dog and told the initial owner that his beloved dog died.

Edna’s first owner was happy that the dog was alive, but he couldn’t take her home. He asked the shelter to find Edna a good loving family.

Weeks later a loving couple adopted Edna. They especially loved her ashen colour and the innocence of her eyes.

That was the beginning of the new chapter in Edna’s life.

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