“She looks juicy!” Plus-size model Ashley Graham shared candid shots from unusual angles

The 35-year-old body positivity icon continues to inspire girls to be honest. The supermodel published on her personal blog another batch of pictures in a bikini, in which, in addition to magnificent forms, she showed stretch marks on her skin and cellulite.
Lavender high-waisted swimsuit appeared on the model not by chance, it is from the new Ashley Graham collection, created in collaboration with the brand Knix. Note that the girl has a talent for promotion: it seemed to her that a swimsuit in the frame was not enough. In the hands of the blogger, the product of another partners is the body serum from St.Tropez.
Perhaps any other star would have already been criticized for indiscriminate advertising, but not Ashley. Apparently, subscribers have already developed immunity to this: in the comments – 100% love of the fans. They thank the supermodel again and again for not retouching the shots. “In this world where everyone wants a perfectly slender body without stretch marks, cellulite and imperfections, she is real and I appreciate it,” the commenter wrote.
It looks like it’s time for the girl to record a course on promoting a personal brand on social networks.