She stops her car to help a dog who dropped his stuffed pig

Claire Cummings was driving when she noticed a stuffed pig lying on the street. She paid attention to the surroundings and saw a dog trying to reach for the toy. He was leaning over a wall trying to get his pig back.
It wasn’t clear how long the dog was waiting for someone to help.
Cummington loves animals, she owns a dog walking company with her partner. She always liked taking care of them and helping them, that’s why the dog got lucky that she noticed him. She immediately turned her car around, pulled over, took the toy, and gave it back to the rightful owner.
She said it would break her heart to see the dog keep waiting for help knowing if she could’ve helped and didn’t do anything.
After she returned it and pat with for a while, she went away.
He was happy he got it back, and she was glad she was able to make him smile.