These Siamese twins were separated shortly after birth. Look what they look like now!

 These Siamese twins were separated shortly after birth. Look what they look like now!

Many people know stories about unique children – Siamese twins. They remain together from birth to the very end due to fused parts of the body. However, there is a small percentage of “lucky ones” who still managed to be separated from their brother or sister.

One of these unique cases is the Siamese twins Bachinsky, who have come a long way to their happiness.
When their mother became pregnant with daughters, she was warned after the ultrasound – the girls grew together with their heads.

But, despite the serious risks, the woman did not terminate the pregnancy, and decided to give birth to babies.

After the birth, the doctors immediately took up the examination of the girls: it turned out that their brains did not “touch” in many areas, so the babies immediately began to prepare for the separation operation.

The doctors did a colossal job, having previously calculated all the risks. Some time after the rehabilitation doctors said that the twins develop in accordance with their age, and the operation did not affect their development in any way.

The only thing that the children have to go through in the future is a few plastic surgeries, after which they will not remember their past at all.

In the meantime, their mother decided to give birth to another child – fortunately, the baby was born without any deformities.

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