The diver took a picture with a huge shark and surprised the whole world!

 The diver took a picture with a huge shark and surprised the whole world!

A US diver posted his photos with a huge shark on his social network. The photos scared the whole world. A huge shark was very close to a little man, whom he could easily swallow.

The diver assumed that the shark was pregnant. He justified his opinion the following way, “I am sure that the shark is expecting a baby, since her menu includes everything that came across her path. Tiny fish, crustaceans, large fish, and even pollutants were swallowed by her.

The photos got a lot of response, how can a human swim alongside a shark so easily? Being an experienced diver and having experience with such creatures, this diver took the risk to do so.

And now some information about sharks:

  • Sharks at birth are approximately 60 cm tall, and at a mature age their height reaches 1.5-2.5 meters. Sharks reach sexual maturity at 10-11 months.

  • Male sharks are still more aggressive and rude towards any competitors. They have the same level of androgens as vertebrates. Their aggressiveness is manifested mainly due to the instinct to protect their rights and the safety of their children.

Once you see a shark, your heart starts beating rapidly with surprise and fear. They are actually unique and scary creatures.


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