The dog refused to leave the shelter without his beloved!

 The dog refused to leave the shelter without his beloved!

The Bursters from America lived alone. They had a beloved dog 9 years ago, but unfortunately she died. Katherine could not come to terms with the loss for a very long time, and even years later she did not dare to get a pet. But life has prepared a surprise for them.

One day, Katherine was scrolling through her Facebook feed and came across a post made by Philadelphia animal rescue organization that said they were looking for a home for a pair of pit bulls. The woman thought that the dogs are so attached to each other and most likely they will not endure separation.

After contacting this organization, Katherine found out that no one wants to take two dogs together. There was already an applicant for one of the dogs, but this man did not want to take two dogs.

The woman decided to consult with her husband. For several days they discussed this issue, weighed all the pros and cons, and eventually went to the shelter to get acquainted with the dogs.

“After spending some time with them, we realized that we could no longer leave them. Therefore, we quickly completed all the formalities and brought the dogs to our house, ” said Katherine.

The dogs were named Gus and Nina, the couple got used to the new house very quickly, they became very cheerful and energetic. The dogs seemed to be glad that they were not separated.

“Now I understand that Gus would quickly fade away without Nina. She is his support. He would be lonely and miserable without her. Nina is a little more independent, but she would also be sad without her companion,” the woman said.

Gus and Nina have been living in the Burster house for four years now. Katherine writes on her social page all the adventures of this couple. Dogs do everything together: run, play, eat and sleep.

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