The family gave their pet to the shelter when they found out that they would have another baby!

 The family gave their pet to the shelter when they found out that they would have another baby!

A pet has a sense of injustice and resentment when is abandoned after years spent together in the same family. A pit bull named Stormy ended up in a shelter after 2 happy years with his family.

When the owners of the dog found out that they would have a child – the fifth in a row, they decided to free up some space in the house. And this place was vacated at the expense of their pet, Freshy – that was his name in the family.

The dog believed that his family would come back for him and take him home, where he spent his childhood with the children of his owners. Stormy was stressed out. The dog lay sadly in the corner and waited for a miracle.

One day, a woman named Guerrini noticed his profile on the Brooklyn Orphanage website and decided to meet him. It turned out that because of the overcrowding of the shelter and the lack of funds, Stormy was put on the list for euthanasia. On the day when the euthanasia procedure was to be done, Guerrini and his son took Stormi to their home.

Stormi was very happy to meet Gerrani and her son. He understood what was happening and happily wagged his tail.

Here you can watch a touching video of Stormi meeting his new family!


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