The homeless woman refused to leave the street. In fact, she didn’t want to leave her dogs!

 The homeless woman refused to leave the street. In fact, she didn’t want to leave her dogs!

A resident of the Mexican town of Tijuana has experienced a lot. She is 65 and her home is the street. She does not remember her real name, so the locals call her Hole. For all the time she lived on the street, she had four-legged friends whom she fed, treated for the last money and always took care of them.

Hole slept in a huge trash bag. And the animals were always near her and warming her in cold weather.

Recently, the social service drew attention to the woman. They wanted to help her, but Hole refused to go with them.

And you know, she was not attracted by the street life, she was just worried about her dog friends. In addition, one of them was about to give birth and Hole simply could not leave her to the mercy of fate.

Representatives of social services managed to persuade the homeless woman to spend at least a night in a special center. There she met a volunteer named Alejandra Castro.

It became clear to Alejandra that Hole would never give up on her furry friends and decided to help her. First, she bought all the necessary things: warm clothes, a normal mattress, bedding, dishes and a lot of dog food.

Then she persuaded the woman to move to a tent shelter, there she will have at least some kind of a roof over her head and the pets will be able to stay with her.

One day in such a shelter costed 50 pesos and this was the cost of one cup of cheap coffee.


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