The horse mourned the death of his human friend! People could not hold back their tears at the moment when the horse said goodbye to his owner!

 The horse mourned the death of his human friend! People could not hold back their tears at the moment when the horse said goodbye to his owner!

Brazilian Wagner Figueiredo de Lima has died in a car accident near his home in Paraiba. 34-year-old Lima  had a very loyal friend – his horse Sereno. And his death was a deep emotional trauma for the horse. With sorrow in our hearts, we acknowledge that their time together has come to an end.

On Tuesday, all family members, Lima’s friends and acquaintances gathered for the funeral procession. The brother of the deceased, Wando knew how important Sereno was for his brother and decided that he should also say goodbye to Lima. What happened next shocked everyone.

When the car with the coffin arrived, Sereno started sniffing his friend. Realizing what was happening, the animal neighed as loudly as he could.

“Sereno circled around the coffin and wept like a horse can. He couldn’t find a place for himself. The sight broke the hearts of those who witnessed it,” Kyoshi Abreu, a friend of the deceased, told Dodo.

“Sereno leaned his head against the coffin and began to moan. He walked all the way to the grave and never looked up,” Wando told the TV channel.

The range of emotions of animals is not as wide as that of humans, but in moments of grief and the loss of loved ones and dear ones, their emotions are in no way inferior to human ones.

In order to carry on the legacy of Lima’s love for Sereno, Vando decided to take Lima’s horse into his family and take care of it. May the soul of the deceased brother rest in peace.

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