The kitten found in the wall of the house grew up. Look what he looks like now!

 The kitten found in the wall of the house grew up. Look what he looks like now!

Six months ago, a tiny ginger kitten was found in a private home in Santa Ana, California. His desperate cries were heard by the owners of the house and they began to look for where they were coming from.

To their surprise, people found out that the sounds were coming from the outer wall facing the garden, under a layer of drywall. To get the kitten out, people made a hole in the wall of their house. There was a small niche in which a stray cat apparently crawled into and gave birth to kittens.

The kitten was alone. There were no cats or other kittens. Apparently the cat gave birth to kittens and moved them to another place, but this kitten somehow remained.

The kitten was brought to the veterinary clinic and examined there. According to the veterinarian, if the kitten had not been found in time, he would hardly have survived the next night due to hypothermia. The kitten was taken care of by Christina Stephenson, whose friend works at the veterinary clinic.

“I started carrying him with me everywhere I went. He needed to be fed from a bottle of milk every two hours. He was with me at home, at work, at a meeting with friends and slept next to my bed. All my acquaintances said that I had a new son,” says the woman.

Christina gave the kitten the name Wally, in honor of the hero of the popular cartoon from Pixar. The kitten grew up quickly, he was strong, healthy and enjoyed life.


Soon Christina introduced him to her adult black cat Squickers. They became friends and liked to play together.

There was also another cat, Panda that lived in Christina’s house. Both cats were adopted when they were little kittens. At first she was looking for an owner for Valli, but after keeping the animal for several weeks, she changed her mind.

“Now he is a happy and spoiled handsome cat that can purr incessantly. He has everything that a house cat could want – he is walked outside on a leash, taken on hikes and he even rode a horse on horseback!” said Christina.

“I am very grateful that I met this big and fluffy “ball”. He brings us a lot of joy,” the woman said.


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