The most expensive pets that cost a whole fortune!

 The most expensive pets that cost a whole fortune!

It is not known exactly when pets appeared. Already in ancient times, people raised livestock and hunted with trained dogs. Sometimes it seems like it’s always been like this. However, in our time, animals can be not only pets, but also indicators of the status of the owner. How?

Some of them cost so much that you cannot even imagine. It is not surprising that not everyone can afford to keep such a “prestigious” pet. Do you want to know how much the most expensive pets in the world cost?

Tibetan Mastiff: $1,900,000

White lion cubs – $138,000

Palm cockatoo parrot- $16,000 

Swamp Monkey – $10,000

Capuchin – $10,000

Exotic Cats: Savannah – $20,000 

Bengal – $41,435

Stag beetle:  terrarium pet – $89,000


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