The mother of three children managed to lose 55 kg in one year! How she looks now

Kelly, a mother of 3 living in Australia, was struggling to take care of her kids because she was too overweight. Nevertheless, she never gave up despite immense difficulty and continued striving for her goal. The story narrates how she ultimately achieved her dream and the journey that followed it.In one year, she was able to lose more than 55 kg. And there were no surgical interventions and diets. Everything turned out to be much easier.
She started to make dietary changes, which eventually led to a remarkable transformation in her physique. When she gave birth to her third child, the scale showed her weighing 126 kg– something she never expected nor experienced before. It was a shock for her and brought back memories of difficult times.
She was desperately looking for a solution to her problem; it wasn’t only about the numbers on the scale, but also to be able to manage three kids by herself. She desired to move around and stay active with them, yet could not do so with her current weight.
French fries and chicken were two of her favorite dishes, making it tough for her to reduce the portion size. Nevertheless, she managed to adjust and move away from carbonated drinks by substituting those with mineral water or plain water.
When I switched from white to brown rice and began to cook at home instead of relying on snacks in cafes, it slowly started to have a positive impact on my life.
In order to prevent overeating, she stored her food in containers. This practice was transformed into a habit for her. She also pledged that she would not consume unhealthy food or eat more than necessary, so her breakfast of choice is either oatmeal or scrambled eggs.Kelly’s dietary experiment showed us that the results may not always come immediately, contrary to what diets promise. For lunch and dinner, she chose a light salad with either chicken or fish as the main ingredient; for dinner she added some fruit for extra nutrition.
Over time, she began to add physical exercises, but they were not in the gym or fitness club, but in pole dancing.
She was able to change her life and motivate other people. Now it’s hard to recognize the fat woman that she was.
Gradually, she started to incorporate various physical activities into her lifestyle – most notably pole dancing. This enabled her to transform not only herself, but also inspired many others along the way. It’s almost hard to believe that she was once an overweight woman.