The owner left the dog in the park tied to a bench. Luckily, he was adopted into a loving family!

 The owner left the dog in the park tied to a bench. Luckily, he was adopted into a loving family!

One puppy has been recently found tied to a bench in a park in Mexico. There was a note next to the puppy.
The owner left his pet tied to a bench in the playground.

When Marcela Goldberg, an employee of the animal shelter Mascotas Coyoacán, came for the dog, he sat sadly on the bench and did not even react to the people who came to his aid. The Golden Retriever apparently understood that he had been abandoned.

How can one leave his pet without food and water tied to a bench?

Marcela tried to approach and untie the dog, but he, being mad at the whole world, reacted aggressively to those who tried to approach. In the end, they managed to untie him from the bench with the help of an animal trainer.

Having freed from the chain, the retriever became kinder and no longer feuded.
Marcela read the note that was found near the dog. It turned out that the former owner mistreated the dog and one of the family members, thinking that the retriever would be lucky to meet kind people, decided to do so.

Marcela posted this story on the Internet and got a lot of feedback about help and sponsorship.
By the way, the dog’s name was Boston! He was taken into the family by kind and sympathetic people. We hope he will be happy there!


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