The reunion of a dog and his mistress who have not seen each other for 8 months!

 The reunion of a dog and his mistress who have not seen each other for 8 months!

Jeanne Berger had to be separated from her beloved dog Murphy. During eight long months of training in the army, she never forgot about her dog.

“I really missed Murphy. This is the first time we’ve been apart for such a long time,” Berger told The Dodo.

Murphy also missed his mistress a lot. He sat for a long time and patiently waited Jeanna at the threshold of her room.
Berger’s mom watched the dog with surprise. The woman could not even imagine how sensitive pets can be.

And finally, the moment of their reunion has come! Berger posted a touching video of this moment. Murphy couldn’t believe his eyes. The dog barked, wagged his tail briskly, and ran from one room to another. Murphy started sniffing Jeanne to make sure it was his favorite mistress.

“It’s been such a difficult time without Murphy. Now that I have finished army training, we’re not going to be apart again,” Berger said.

The girl is going to go to university in another city, but Murphy will also move with her!


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