The story of a doctor from Argentina who became a father at 83!

 The story of a doctor from Argentina who became a father at 83!

Alberto Cormillote, one of Latin America’s most famous nutritionists, caught the public’s attention back in 2019 by marrying a woman who was 48 years his junior. But when shortly after the wedding, Alberto announced that his wife was expecting a child, the public bombarded him with letters! And, alas, not all of these letters were enthusiastic …

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Публикация от Dr. Alberto Cormillot (@drcormi)

A nutritionist with the experience of half a century could deal with any eating disorder. Thousands of people across the country have been able to lose weight, cure gastrointestinal problems and gain the desired shape thanks to the methods developed by Kormillot.


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Публикация от Dr. Alberto Cormillot (@drcormi)

The nutritionist uses all the developed methods in his own daily life, which is why even in his ninth decade he looks like a maximum of 60! Kormillot is fond of dancing, regularly visits the gym and is still extremely energetic.

The pregnancy of a young wife brought the condemnation of many people to the physician. Critics were not shy in their expressions. Some even caustically remarked: “What, Mr. Doctor, will you bring a little orphan into the world?”


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Публикация от Dr. Alberto Cormillot (@drcormi)

Cormillot himself simply dismisses such remarks. He is an exceptional optimist. In addition, Kormillot already has an adult son and daughter.


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Публикация от Estefania Pasquini (@estefi_pasquini)

Baby Emilio was born on September 17, 2021. The little boy was born absolutely healthy.


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Публикация от Dr. Alberto Cormillot (@drcormi)

Kormillot sincerely enjoys his late fatherhood and makes plans for the future…


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Публикация от Dr. Alberto Cormillot (@drcormi)

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