The story of two inseparable swans!

 The story of two inseparable swans!

Swans Bonnie and Clyde have become a real local celebrity. This couple lives in a lake near Crewe, England. The story of their love became known throughout the country. They are inseparable and are always close to each other.

However, the other day visitors noticed that Bonnie was not all right. She had a leg injury. Visitors contacted the RSPCA and rescuers sent their team. Bonnie was very cheeky and did not want to leave her lover.

“Four rescuers could hardly pull the female swan out of the water and get her to safety,” Steve Wickham, RSPCA animal protection officer, said in a press release.

RSPCA Rescuers took Bonnie for examination. Veterinarians examined the swan’s leg and began treatment. It turned out that she had a fucking unhealed leg wound. It will not be possible to completely cure the swan’s leg, but she will still be able to live a full life.

A month later, Bonnie almost recovered and she was brought back to the lake to Clyde. Fans of this couple were excited about the reunion of these amazing creatures.

“When she was brought and lowered into the lake, she quickly swam up to her lover and the couple formed the shape of a love heart with their long necks.

It was a very touching moment. Let people learn from these faithful creatures,” said the central manager of RSPCA Stapeley Grange.

Bonnie and Clyde were happy and hugged each other like people. It is interesting how nature endowed these creatures with such a quality as fidelity!

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