Therapy horse’s memorable visit moves the patient to tears!

 Therapy horse’s memorable visit moves the patient to tears!

Audrey Speik’s father Joo Speik was bedridden for several months. He had many health problems. To help the man get back on his feet, he was prescribed animal therapy. Paçoca was the man’s only visitor.

Paçoca is the therapy horse of the volunteers. Representatives of the non-profit organization Coletivo Incluso help patients with special needs.

Watch a touching video of how a horse communicates tenderly with his patient and gives hope for recovery.

Joo will never forget therapies with Paçoca. It will definitely be more than just a memory. The therapeutic effect of animal therapy has repeatedly produced a positive result. More and more medical institutions are beginning to include animal therapy in the treatment of patients.


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Animal therapy helps to reduce the pain and anxiety of patients. But not only bed patients need this therapy. There are times when animals simply visit families and improve their mood and psychological state.

Animals have a unique ability to heal people. They feel the state of mind of patients and somehow know how to make them think positively.



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