This unusual foal is a hybrid of a zebra and a donkey. The coloration of the animal is truly unique

 This unusual foal is a hybrid of a zebra and a donkey. The coloration of the animal is truly unique

In the animal world, unexpected events also happen. So, for example, a completely unique baby was born on one of the UK farms: his mother is a 6-year-old zebra Ziggy, and his father is a real 4-year-old donkey Reg!

The owner of the animals, Christina Turner, was extremely surprised by this development. The fact is that the zebra has always been a little overweight, so the gift presented by the hoofed mother turned out to be a real surprise.

The foal was named Zippy. It should be noted that there are only two such foals in the country. However, they were imported from other countries, while Zippy was born in Britain. The hybrid of a zebra and a donkey is called zonk or zebroid.

One morning, Christina Turner looked out of the window and saw a foal that had never been on her farm before.

The farmer has tried to breed animals before, but it has not ended in success.

Christina did not notice Ziggy’s pregnancy only because the zebra was always plump.

Thanks to this accident, an adorable baby Zippy was born.

Just look at this frisky tomboy.


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