“Two sisters -Two Completely Different Lives”: What Does Victoria Beckham’s Sister Look Like, Who Works In The Hospital’s Parking Lot?

 “Two sisters -Two Completely Different Lives”: What Does Victoria Beckham’s Sister Look Like, Who Works In The Hospital’s Parking Lot?

Sometimes it happens that sisters and brothers of celebrities remain in the shadows and do not become as famous as their sibling. This happened to Louise Adams, the younger sister of fashion designer Victoria Beckham.

Louise is 2 years younger than Vicki. They are quite similar, but their lifestyle is radically different. The older sister bathes in luxury and is known throughout the world. The youngest did not achieve any special success. She has nothing to do with show business.

In the early 2010s, Adams opened her own clothing store, but quickly went bankrupt.

The girl’s personal life is also not developing in the most successful way. In 2002, she married the director of a mobile phone company, but the marriage ended five years later. Then Louise got married to communications manager Darren Flood. But in 2014, this union also broke up.

By the way, according to rumors, Victoria paid for her both weddings, and also helped her start life a new life after difficult divorces.

Now Louise has four children and is bringing them up alone. Recently the paparazzi has noticed her at a new job. Adams works in the parking lot of the Essex COVID Center. She earns about $13 an hour.

Of course, this is difficult to compare with the income of Victoria, whose fortune, according to the latest estimates, reaches 335 million pounds.

“It’s a very stark contrast between two girls who were born in the same family but went their separate ways,” family acquaintances told the Daily Mail. “But Louise deserves respect for making an honest living and not being afraid to work on the front lines with COVID.”

By the way, despite the fact that Adams is younger than Mrs. Beckham, she looks like her older sister.

But this is not surprising. Victoria spends as much on personal care per month as the average family could live for almost a year. Spending 1,000 euros on a spa is a common thing for her.

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